Code 11 is a barcode symbology developed by Intermec in 1977. It is used primarily in telecommunications. This linear barcode symbol can encode any length string consisting of the digits 0-9 and the dash character (-). One or more modulo-11 check digit(s) can be included.
How to Generate ASP.NET Code 11 Barcode with A Controller
Drag and drop Code 11 barcode generation controller to your ASP.NET web project
Add reference (BarcodeLib.Barcode.ASP.NET.dll) to the Toolbox in your Visual Studio.
Accurately copy "linear.aspx" and "linear.aspx.cs" two items to your project folder.
Drag and drop LinearASPNET to your Visual ASP.NET project.
Select Code 11 in Type item under Properties window.
Change remained settings of Code 11 barcode image through the Properties window.
Debug it to see the generated Code 11 barcode image.
How to Generate Code 11 Barcode in ASP.NET Web Form Applications
Generate ASP.NET Code 11 barcode image using C# class
Code 11 barcode image can be generated with the following C# sample codes, before which BarcodeLib.Barcode.ASP.NET.dll should be added to your ASP.NET project reference.
// Save barcode image into your system code11.drawBarcode("c://code11.tiff");
Generate ASP.NET Code 11 barcode image using VB class
Code 11 barcode image can be generated with the following VB sample codes, before which BarcodeLib.Barcode.ASP.NET.dll should be added to your ASP.NET project reference.