RM4SCC symbology is a length-variable linear barcode. It is also known as RM4SCC, RoyalMail4SCC, British Royal Mail 4-State Customer Code and Royal Mail Barcode.
It encodes uppercase letters A to Z, numbers o to 9 and start/stop characters.
RM4SCC barcodes is used by Royal Mail for its Cleanmail service. It enables UK postcodes as well as Delivery Point Suffixes (DPSs) to be easily read by a machine at high speed.
Draw and Print RM4SCC Barcode Image in ASP.NET Web Forms
It is very simple to generate RM4SCC barcode image in ASP.NET by dragging and dropping barcode generator dll to ASP.NET project in your Visual Studio.
Add BarcodeLib.Barcode.ASP.NET DLL to your Visual Studio Toolbox.
Right click ASP.NET Visual Studio Toolbox, select menu Choose Items....
In "Choose Toolbox Items" form, click button "Browse...", and select dll BarcodeLib.Barcode.ASP.NET.dll.
After selection, you will find four items under "Components" section LinearASPNET, DataMatrixASPNET, PDF417ASPNET, and QRCodeASPNET.
Copy "linear.aspx" and "linear.aspx.cs" to your project folder.
Drag and drop LinearASPNET to your Visual ASP.NET project.
Select RM4SCC in Type item under Properties window.
Reset other properties of RM4SCC in Properties window if necessary.
Generate ASP.NET RM4SCC Barcode Image Using C# & VB Codes
To generate RMRSCC barcode in ASP.NET applications, you need to add BarcodeLib.Barcode.ASP.NET DLL to your ASP.NET project reference.
Then, you may compile codes to generate C# & VB RM4SCC barcode as below.
How to generate C# RM4SCC barcode image in ASP.NET applications: