Generated colorful QR Code images are compatible with industry standards
C#.NET QR Code Barcode Generator Overview
C#.NET QR Code Barcode Generator from is a time-tested QR Code barcoding component since 2003. It can not only generate high-quality QR Code images but makes it extremely easy for users to change & set QR Code image colors, including background color and bar color.
Copy files "qrcode.aspx", "qrcode.aspx.cs" from folder barcode in the downloaded package to your ASP.NET project folder.
Drag QRCodeASPNET to your ASP.NET web site, and change QR code colors through "Properties" window.
Change QR Code Barcode Colors in IIS
Find folder "barcode" from downloaded trial package and copy it to your IIS folder, eg. C:\inetpub.
Create a new virtual directory in your IIS, name it "barcode", and connect it to the above "barcode" folder in inetpub. Then, restart IIS.
Open your web browser and navigate to: "http://YourDomain:port/barcode/qrcode.aspx?Data=ABCD1234abcd&ModuleSize=3 &LeftMargin=12&RightMargin=12&TopMargin=12&BottomMargin=12&BackgroundColor=FFFFFF&ModuleColor=000079"
To insert this QR Code image in your aspx or html page, simply pass the url to IMG tag or src value. For example: <img src= http://YourDomain:port/barcode/qrcode.aspx?Data=ABCD1234abcd&ModuleSize=3 &LeftMargin=12&RightMargin=12&TopMargin=12&BottomMargin=12&BackgroundColor=FFFFFF&ModuleColor=000079> This method will not generate any barcode images in your IIS server side.
Change & Customize QR Code Color in C#.NET WinForms
Add BarcodeLib.Barcode.WinForms.dll to your C#.NET Windows Forms project reference.
And follow the first two steps: Create a new web app, and Install C# barcode library and NuGet package
During creating the new ASP.NET Core project, you need change the new project name as "BarcodeLib.Create.StyledQRCodeASPNETCoreDemo".
2. Add C# codes to create, customized styled QR Code on a Razor page
Copy the following code to file "Index.cshtml"
@page@modelIndexModel@{ViewData["Title"]="BarcodeLib Styled QR Code Generator in ASP.NET Core web app";}<divclass="text-center"><formasp-page="./Index"method="post"><br/>Barcodedata:<inputtype="text"id="tb1"name="tbBarcodeData"style="width: 600px; "asp-for="@Model.BarcodeData"/><br/><br/><inputtype="submit"value="Create Styled QR Code"/></form><br/><imgsrc="data:image/png;base64,@Model.BarcodeImage"width="@Model.BarcodeWebDisplayWidth"height="@Model.BarcodeWebDisplayWidth"/></div>
3. Run the ASP.NET Core web app to generate styled QR Code in browser
Press Ctrl+F5 in Visual Studio to run the finished core web app.
You will find the QR Code generated with a logo rendered in the center and with blue bar modules.
It is really easy to generate styled QR Code online using C# barcode generator library. If you need add more options to customize QR Code
online in web browser, we have provided a complete step by step tutorial here:
How to create barcodes online in browser in C# ASP.NET Core web app?