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Crystal Reports QR Code Generator Library How to Generate 2D QR-Code Barcodes in Crystal Reports for .NET
Easy to create barcodes in Crystal Reports without using barcode fonts or third party tools Developed in Visual C# with full integration for .NET 2.0 and later version Simple to print QR Code barcodes using Crystal Report in Windows applications and ASP.NET web applications Programmatically create, generate QR Code 2D barcodes with C# and VB.NET Programmatically create QR-Codes in ASP.NET with C#, VB.NET Class Library Make multiple QR Codes images in Crystal Report within a few steps Flexible barcode settings available as specified in standard Complete barcode settings to adjust various QR Code barcode parameters .NET Crystal Reports QR Code Barcode Introduction
QR-Code is also known as Quick Response Code, Denso Barcode, QRCode, JIS X 0510, ISO/IEC 18004.
Compatibility : Barcode for Crystal Reports control / dll is compatible with ISO/IEC 18004 (Second Edition 2006-09-01) bar code symbology specification.
How to Generate QR Code barcode in Crystal Reports with ASP.NET Website
Create a new ASP.NET website.
Create a new web site project using "ASP.NET Crystal Reports Web Site " as template, named "BarcodeforCrystalReportsWebSite ". Add a Crystal Report item to the project.
Add a new item (Crystal Report), named "CustomerReport.rpt " to the project. view image Select Expert as "Mail Label ". Click "OK" button. view image In "Mailing Labels Report Creation Wizard", click "Create New Connection ", and expand "ADO.NET ". view image In "ADO.NET" form, select "CustomerDataSet.xsd " file in your downloaded package, and click "Finish" button. view image In "Mailing Labels Report Creation Wizard", add table "Customer " under "ADO.NET", to selected table. And click "Next" button. view image Add all three fields "ID ", "CustomerId ", "CustomerName ", to "Fields to Display:". Click "Next". view image Select default label "Return Address (Avery 5267) ", and click "Finish" button. Now you can view the report template, and find that field "Barcode" not in the report template. view image Re-arrange the report template. view image Drag field "Barcode " to the report template. Right click "Barcode" object and select "Format Object " menu. view image In "Format Editor" form, check "Can Grow " property. view image Add Crystal Report Viewer to the Default.aspx.
Add a reference to BarcodeLib.Barcode.CrystalReports.dll . Add the following code to the Default.aspx.cs file.
using System.Data.OleDb; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using BarcodeLib.Barcode.CrystalReports; using BarcodeLib.Barcode; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create the database connection. Please change to correct data file (BarcodeDemoData.mdb) path. OleDbConnection aConnection = new OleDbConnection( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:/BarcodeLib_NETBarcode_Trial/ReportingData/BarcodeDemoData.mdb" ); aConnection.Open(); OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Customer" , aConnection); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); dataAdapter.Fill(ds); // Add the Barcode column to the DataSet ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Barcode" , typeof (byte []))); // Use QRCodeCrystal for QR Code QRCodeCrystal barcode = new QRCodeCrystal(); // Barcode settings barcode.ModuleSize = 3; barcode.ImageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png; foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { barcode.Data = (int )dr["CustomerId" ] + "" ; byte [] imageData = barcode.drawBarcodeAsBytes(); dr["Barcode" ] = imageData; } CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("CustomerReport.rpt")); CrystalReportSource1.ReportDocument.SetDataSource(ds.Tables[0]); CrystalReportSource1.DataBind(); }
4. Run the project.
How to Create QR Code Bar Code in Crystal Reports with .NET Windows Forms
Create a new Windows Application Project.
Create a new project using "Crystal Reports Application " as template, named "BarcodeforCrystalReports ". Add a Crystal Report item to the project. View How to Add Crystal Report to Project Add Crystal Report Viewer to the window form.
Resize "Form1", and add "CrystalReportViewer" to the form, with the default setting unchanged. view image Add a reference to BarcodeLib.Barcode.CrystalReports.dll . Add the following code to the Form1.cs file.
using System.Data.OleDb; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using BarcodeLib.Barcode.CrystalReports; using BarcodeLib.Barcode; private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create the database connection. Please change to correct data file (BarcodeDemoData.mdb) path . OleDbConnection aConnection = new OleDbConnection( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:/BarcodeLib_NETBarcode_Trial/ReportingData/BarcodeDemoData.mdb" );aConnection.Open(); OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Customer" , aConnection); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); dataAdapter.Fill(ds); // Add the Barcode column to the DataSet ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Barcode" , typeof (byte []))); // Use QRCodeCrystal for QR Code QRCodeCrystal barcode = new QRCodeCrystal(); // Barcode settings barcode.ModuleSize = 3; barcode.ImageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png; foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { barcode.Data = (int )dr["CustomerId" ] + "" ; byte [] imageData = barcode.drawBarcodeAsBytes(); dr["Barcode" ] = imageData; } CustomerReport rpt = new CustomerReport(); rpt.SetDataSource(ds); this .crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt; //close the connection Its important. aConnection.Close(); }
4. Run the project.
How to Print QR Code Barcodes in Crystal Reports Using C#, VB.NET
BarcodeLib.com also provides detailed guide for users to create barcodes in Crystal Report using C# / VB.NET (Visual Basic). Please go to the links below for detailed tutorials with C# or VB.NET sample code.
Crystal Reports Barcode Generator Control Supported Symbologies
Linear (1D) Barcodes:
Code 2 of 5
Code 11
Code 39
Code 93
Code 128
EAN 13
EAN 128/GS1 128
Interleaved 2 of 5
MSI Plessey
Matrix(2D) Barcodes :
QR Code
Data Matrix
Crystal Reports Barcode Control Generates 1D Barcodes:
Codabar ,
Code 11 ,
Code 2 of 5 ,
Code 39 ,
Code 93 ,
Code 128 ,
EAN-8 ,
EAN-13 ,
EAN 128/GS1 128 ,
Interleaved 2 of 5 ,
ITF14 ,
MSI Plessey ,
Intelligent Mail (Onecode) ,
Crystal Report Barcode Control Generates 2D Barcodes:
Data Matrix ,
PDF417 ,
QR Code .
More Tutorial: Barcode Generating & Printing
.NET Crystal Reports Barcoding in ASP.NET & WinForms; Using C# or VB.NET
.NET Barcode Tutorial & FAQ:
Provides High Quality .NET Barcode , .NET WinForms Barcode , ASP.NET Barcode , C# Barcode , VB.NET Barcode , .NET QR Code , ASP.NET QR Code , Windows Forms QR Code , Visual C# QR Code , VB.NET QR Code , Reporting Services QR Code , Crystal Reports QR Code , RDLC Reports QR Code .