OneCode Barcode Generation in .NET WinForms Using C# & VB Class Codes
100% meet requirements of latest OneCode barcode symbology standards
Easily add OneCode barcoding features in Visual Studio .NET WinForms programs
Easy to drag and drop 1d & 2d controls to .NET Windows application form
Create .NET Windows Forms OneCode barcode images in C# & VB classes
Create customized barcode images by changing settings of barcode properties
Encode OneCode barcode images into multiple file formats with .NET WinForms Barcoding SDK
Provide perdurable developer licenses to all .NET users with onetime payment
.NET Windows Forms OneCode Barcode Description
Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) is also known as USPS OneCode Solution or USPS 4-State Customer Barcode (4CB, 4-CB, or USPS4CB).
It combines routing ZIP Code information and tracking information into a single 4-state code. It effectively encodes data from POSTNET and PLANET barcodes into a single barcode while providing a greater range of tracking data.
It is used in USPS mainstream. And the next generation of USPS barcode technology is used to sort and track letters and flats.
Drag and Drop OneCode Barcode Generation DLL to .NET WinForms
Add BarcodeLib.Barcode.WinForms.dll to your Visual Studio Toolbox and (QRCodeWinForm, DataMatrixWinForm, PDF417WinForm and LinearWinForm) four components are visible under Toolbox.
Drag component LinearWinForm to Form1 window.
Choose OneCode barcode type from Properties window, and change other settings of OneCode barcode.
Run the project and you will see the generated OneCode barcode image.
Use C# & VB Class to Generate OneCode Barcode Image in .NET WinForms
OneCode Barcode Generation Using C# & VB .NET Class
First of all, you should add reference (BarcodeLib.Barcode.WinForms.dll) to your .NET WinForms project. Then, it comes to codes compilation.
Demo codes for generating OneCode barcode in C#.NET Windows Forms: