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Home > .NET Barcode Scanner SDK > Barcode Scanning Using VB.NET > Guide for Data Matrix Barcode Scanning in Visual Basic .NET Clas Library
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How to Use VB.NET to Read Data Matrix Barcode

How to Recognise & Scan Data Matrix Barcode Image Using VB.NET Barcode Reader Library
  • Simple to integrate with Visual Studio .NET applications, supporting .NET Framework 2.0 and above
  • Quick to install, easy to use,, with no need for any activation code or licnese key
  • Recognise & scan Data Matrix barcode using free VB.NET sample code for .NET Windows, ASP.NET Web,
    C#, VB.NET Class Library applications
  • Scan and detect Data Matrix barcode types and quickly return barcode data string or binary values
  • Read & scan multiple source image types, like GIF, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG
  • Provide royalty-free Distribution License & Server Licenses for VB.NET Barcode Reader SDK
How to Start VB.NET Data Matrix 2D Barcode Reading & Scanning
  1. Dowload free tial package online and then you may find VB.NET Barcode Reader DLL (BarcodeLib.BarcodeReader.dll) in the package.
  2. Start your Visual Basic .NET application and add "BarcodeLib.BarcodeReader.dll" to the project reference.
How to Scan Data Matrix Barcode Image Using VB.NET Data Matrix Scanner DLL
Our .NET Barcode Reader DLL is easy to use. After adding it to your VB.NET project, you may use one line free VB code to scan Data Matrix barcode image. Let's take sample image "datamatrix-vbnet.gif" as an example.
     Dim datas() As String = BarcodeReader.read("c:/datamatrix-vbnet.gif", BarcodeReader.DATAMATRIX)
By doing this, you can scan and decode all Data Matrix barcodes data in "datamatrix-vbnet.gif" image file at a time.
How to Customize VB.NET Data Matrix Reader SDK for Special Reading
You can customize our .NET Barcode Reader DLL to improve the reading speed and save scanning time. This is suitable especially for a large size source image file. Two situations are here:

Situation 1: Need to Read Maximum One Data Matrix Barcode Image Using VB.NET Data Matrix Reader SDK

If you need to recognize the maximum one Data Matrix in your image source (per image, page in tiff or pdf document), you can set property maxOneBarcodePerPage to true.
  1. By doing this, our VB.NET Barcode Reading Library DLL will stop read the Data Matrix as soon as it detects one Data Matrix barcode.
  2. If not, our our VB.NET Reading Library DLL will use total 5 algorithms and each will read the whole source file from 4 directions.

Situation 2: Need to Read Specific Part of a Source Image File Where the Data Matrix Is Always Located

If your Data Matrix barcode is always at specific area in image source file, you can directly read that area only. By doing this, you can save a lot of reading time, CPU and memory usage.
  1. To ahcieve this, please specify the left top point and right bottom point of the specific area (the point X, Y values are expressed in percentage of the whole image, so image most left top point is (0%, 0%), and most right bottom point is (100%, 100%).
Please use the following free sample VB.NET Code to read the specific area. In this case, our VB.NET Barcode Reader will scan the top 20% and bottom 20% of a sample image "datamatrix-vbnet.gif".
     Dim setting As OptimizeSetting = New OptimizeSetting()


Dim top20 As ScanArea = New ScanArea(New Drawing.PointF(0.0F, 0.0F), New Drawing.PointF(100.0F, 20.0F))

Dim bottom20 As ScanArea = New ScanArea(New Drawing.PointF(0.0F, 80.0F), New Drawing.PointF(100.0F, 100.0F))

Dim areas As List(Of ScanArea) = New List(Of ScanArea)


Dim datas() As String = BarcodeReader.read("c:/datamatrix-vbnet.gif", BarcodeReader.DATAMATRIX, setting)
How to Read Barcode Images Using VB.NET Data Matrix Reader Library
Decode VB 1D Barcodes:
Decode VB 2D Barcodes:
How to Recognise Related .NET Progams Data Matrix Barcode Image