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How to Encode Unicode in VB.NET PDF417 Generation

Professional VB.NET PDF-417 Generator DLL with Unicode Encoding Feature
  • Compile advanced VB.NET PDF-417 generating function into a mature sdk
  • Powerful VB.NET barcode Unicode encoding library, supporting QR Code, Data Matrix & PDF-417
  • Encode non-English language characters into PDF-417 via Base64[] Unicode conversion
  • Enable users to quickly generate and save PDF-417 barcode in image file or in memory
  • Adjust generated PDF-417 barcode image using free sample VB.NET class code
  • Provide flexible & loyalty-free developer licenses for VB.NET programmers
Unicode Encoding Overview - VB.NET PDF 417 Generation
Unicode is an industry standard character set encoding. It can almost represent all the human-readable letters & numbers in the world. Thus, Unicode has been on its way to become a dominant standard.
PDF 417 has been widely used in both English & non-English countries. For people in those non-English countries, like China, Korea, Japan & India, they may need to use Unicode to encode their mother language characters into PDF 417 barcode.
Unicode Encoding - VB.NET PDF 417 Generation
If you are living in a non-English country and you want your clients to get the information written in local language after they scanned the PDF 417 barcode you just generated, then you can use the Unicode encoding technique.
To begin with, you need to convert your original language data into 2-byte strings before your PDF 417 is generated. Then you may convert scanned PDF 417 barcode data into your original local language. And all these actions can be easily finished using our VB.NET barcode generator control for PDF 417.

Using VB.NET Code to Encode Special Data into PDF 417 via Unicode

In order to encode those special characters, you need to convert those data into 2-byte data strings via Unicode. And this is achieved by Base64[] conversion. The VB.NET code below is used to generate PDF 417 barcode via encoding Unicode (Hebrew is the example; In English, it means "Company").

Using VB.NET Code to Get Unicode Characters While PDF-417 Decoding

Although you have successfully generated PDF 417 with the special language characters, you can only get the converted Base64[] data strings after scanning the PDF 417 barcode. If you try to get your encoded data, you have to convert the scanning result to the original characters via Base64[]. And you can easily achieve that by using following sample VB.NET codes.
     byte[] base64SingleBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(data);
     string UnicodeFromBarcode = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(base64SingleBytes);
VB.NET Barcode Unicode Encoding - Supported Barcode Types
Three main 2d barcode types, namely PDF 417, QR Code & Data Matrix, are all compatible with the Unicode encoding function of our VB.NET barcode generator.
Barcode Unicode Encoding - Other Barcode Generator Components
All Barcode Types Supported by VB.NET Barcode Generation Suite Package
Linear Barcode Images:
2D Barcode Images: