Data Encoding: Data length of Intelligent Mail Barcode is fixed (20, 25, 29 & 31) characters. OneCode barcode encodes 0-9 ten characters. Its tracking code has 20 digits including the Barcode Identifier, Service Type Identifier, Mail Identifier and Serial Number fields. Its routing code can be 0, 5, 9, or 11 digits.
Size setting: Intelligent Mail Barcode barcode consists of 65 bars and 64 spaces. Its barcode height should be 0.125 to 0.165 inch and barcode width should be 0.015 to 0.025 inch per bar.
The distance from the left edge of the 1st bar to the left edge of the 65th bar shall never be less than 2.667 inches or greater than 3.225 inches.
Vertical quiet zones shall be 0.028 inch at least. Left and right quiet zone should be 0.125 inch at least.
Create OneCode Barcode by Dragging ASP.NET Library
First of all, you should create a web form project in your Visual Studio.
Then, you need to add BarcodeLib.Barcode.ASP.NET DLL to the Toolbox and you will find four items from BarcodeLib (QRCodeASPNET, PDF417ASPNET, DataMatrixASPNET and LinearASPNET).
After that, you can copy "linear.aspx" and "linear.aspx.cs" to your project folder.
It is indispensable to drag and drop LinearASPNET to your project as well as choose OneCode in Type item under Properties window.
You can also change other properties of Intelligent Mail Barcode in Properties window based on your requirements.
Finally, you will see the generated barcode image on your web page after debugging.
Stream OneCode in ASP.NET Using C# & VB.NET Codes
First of all, you should add reference (BarcodeLib.Barcode.ASP.NET DLL) to your ASP.NET project.
Then, write the following sample codes in your ASP.NET class.
Create C#.NET OneCode barcode in ASP web applications